
• SuxNews morning twit Malorie Maddox revealed her geographical ignorance on Wednesday, repeatedly referring to South Padre Island and thereabouts as "southeast Texas." For someone as impressed with her book-learnin' as Maltard appears to be, you think she'd know that that part of the state is known as "south Texas," whereas "southeast Texas" refers to the corner of the state between Houston and


The "Leno effect" may be secondary in the sinking of SuxNews in the ratings. Monday night's HD debut was a disaster, plagued by even more technical incompetence than usual. As many commenters have pointed out, cameras were off-the-mark and on-the-move at all the wrong times, there was more dead air than could be found in a mausoleum, and Tracy Madden's head appeared to be a giant ball of

Ejacuweather on Steroids

Brought to our attention by an alert reader, this video of an AccuWeather meteorologist reflects what we figure goes on inside Jim Flowers anytime there's a chance of out-of-the-ordinary weather.

Compared to this guy, Giggly Jim looks like the model of self-control.

You Don't Have to Be Retarded to Watch (Or Report) Channel 6's Weekend Morning News, But It Helps

Quick highlights:On Saturday, lunkhead anchor Mike Dronemeyer told viewers that a bank robbery looked "familiar" to other recent bank robberies. This erased most doubts that Dronemeyer (a) is being groomed to replace John Knicely and (b) must've taken a few fastballs to the noggin while playing for NC State.Also on Saturday, Maniko "Queen Shanniqua" Barthelemy teased one of her awful live

Dead Fish, Live at 4

Yes, Pat sat in for Tracy today at 4, but that's not what we're referring to. This comes from one of our more alert regular readers..."This just in from the Heartland's news leader: FRESH ALASKA SABLEFISH.. 10.99 A POUND AT CHUBB'S.."A station that spends as much money as Channel 6 does on its news operation ought to be able to come up with better than this. If, as the same reader suggests, the

Not That It Has Anything to Do with TV

Feeling its oats after passing a resolution requesting an apology from radio station KFAB regarding talk host Tom Becka's North Omaha parody, Omaha's city council is considering a resolution requesting that KFAB's sister station, KGOR, play more Dan Fogelberg songs. "We really love 'Leader of the Band,' said one council member, speaking on condition of anonymity. "It'd be really neat if KGOR


Rumors of a "bloodbath" at Channel 3rd appear to have been greatly exaggerated.From what we can piece together, the station's news director was let go last week, and a producer resigned as a result.However, we're told that "morale has never been lower" at the station and that virtually every on-air talent is seeking to leave. So while there may be hemorrhaging in the station's future, it may be

You Can't Make Anything Up That's This Good

That'll teach him to make WMD jokes, dammit.Start your stopwatch now: How long 'til we get the first Aaron Burr reference?(We know, we know. It's not a local story, and many reporters at Omaha stations have no idea who Aaron Burr even is. But a sitting vice-president only shoots a guy every 202 years; we couldn't help ourselves.)

Weekend Special: World-Herald Now Offering Same-Week Coverage of News

Pouncing on the story five days after it appeared on WOWT, Omaha's daily paper on Saturday noted the death of pioneer TV weathercaster Chuck Thomas. Unfrickinbelievable. Rumor has it that the paper will run an article on the death of Pope John Paul II sometime in mid-April.Charles F. Thomas Was TV Forecaster [OWH]

Sunday Special Edition: Ratings Info Creeping In

The May Nielsen numbers are in, and while we don't have very much info yet, what we are hearing is that Channel 6 fared pretty well, especially on Pat Persaud's final broadcasts. We are told Queen Pat's final night on the air drew twice the station's usual audience.More info as it becomes available (most likely Monday, at the earliest).

Fiona Yuan Ling Metro TV Presenter

Fiona Yuan LingMetro TV PresenterFiona

Peer to Peer Internet Video Broadcasting

Unlike standard television broadcasting, there are a limited number of viewers that an Internet television station can accommodate. These limitations are determined by the amount of bandwidth the network media server has available. A popular Internet television station would require large amounts of bandwidth to provide the broadcast to a large viewing audience.
Peer to Peer (Commonly referred to as P2P) broadcasting allows viewers using specialized software to re-distribute the media broadcasts. This eliminates the need to utilize costly centralized media servers to distribute the broadcast and results in cost savings for bandwidth consumption.
Any size business or group can establish an effective media broadcast presence without the huge costs normally associated with Internet broadcasting. Using this method, only a few data streams are required for a global Internet broadcast distribution.

They skipped the "Old Wrinkled Nasty Whores" story for this?

We're eagerly anticipating Rob McCartney's Wednesday "investigation," the title of which makes us laugh out loud and cringe simultaneously. We know it's probably a very serious subject, but try saying "Senior Drug Mules" with a straight face. It can't be done.