We Do and Do and Do for You Kids, and This Is the Thanks We Get

Okay, call us temperamental, but would it kill you to post a comment once in a while? We've had over 700 hits but we've only netted something like five comments. Holy crap! As the great Carl Spackler once claimed to have said to the Dalai Lama, "how 'bout a little somepin' for the effort?"

That Explains the Hairy Palms

We never considered Brian Mastre athletic, but now we're pretty sure he doesn't even follow sports. While rolling footage of a high school player making a last-second shot from a sitting position, the oddly-coiffed anchor of Channel 6's Live at 4 explained that the young man shot while seated because he didn't have time to get to his feet. Now even the most casual basketball fan (and we count

Sux 2 B 6

Read this. Hilarious.Let this be a lesson to you kids out there: serial bad hires eventually catch up with you.


The economy may be turning around, but the plunge in effort and quality continues unabated at Channel Sux.

Wednesday night found the dumbest of dumb blonds, Maltard Maddox, enlightening viewers about gift cards and whether folks enjoy getting them for Christmas.

Dumb story, you say, but how is that different from any other content-free story Maltard and SuxNews seem to specialize in?


Tree Regulation in Ralston?

From the KM3 Action 3 News website on Sunday...

Even a Stopped Clock Is Right Twice a Day

At first, we thought we'd overmedicated ourselves. Then we thought, "Hmm. Smells like an approaching apocalypse." Finally we decided that it was just a matter of the planets lining up just right. Whatever the explanation, we're compelled to admit that last night's 10 o'clock news on Channel 6 was pretty good, at least from the story standpoint.First, there was Gary Johnson's report on lobbyists.

Omaha "Market Leaders," Take Note:

Chicago Sun-Times columnist Robert Feder writes that longtime ratings leader WLS has revamped its look for the first time in four years. In a passage that WOWT and KETV would be wise to post prominently, Feder writesWhile most top-rated stations would be content to keep things exactly as they are for as long as possible, Channel 7 continues to find new ways to freshen its product and keep ahead

You Know What They Say About a Man with Big Vegetables

Okay, perhaps we're being too hard on the Big Six for its inexplicable interest in freakishly large fruits and vegetables.To make amends, we offer this site, which features the photo at left. The caption reads, "Anthony Joy shows his giant zucchini to Augie Iannello."Our favorite part of the accompanying story? "The zucchini that Tony is holding is 66 inches long. It doesn’t quite make a world

Picking Up the Mail

Coming back from vacation entails picking up all the mail that came during our absence. Several good items offer themselves up for sharing.• One alert reader provides us with this link to a Lincoln Journal-Star review of "Don't Touch That Dial," Nebraska Educational Television's look back at the pioneers of local television in the state.• While out of town, we happened upon a Pittsburgh


Just back from a couple of weeks of travel. Turned on the end of the SuxNews 10 p.m. Sunday news just in time to see J-Pa Knicely drag out the nightly gigglefest so long that he was cut off in mid-sentence.

That was followed by about 20 minutes of dead air. Actually, it was 3 minutes of black screen, 15 seconds showing only a photocopier, and the remaining time filled with silence and the