Avert Your Eyes, Children
Several people have wondered what we'd do here at omanews headquarters once Pat was gone. Well, it turns out, we can use some of our time to try and spare viewers from unnecessary suffering. Hence, we are issuing a LEVEL 5 ELICTIA ALERT. (For those of you outside the market, this name is pronounced "uh-LEESH-uh"; the name is normally spelled "Alicia" or "Alycia." Who knows what her parents were
May 25th Can't Come Soon Enough
Those of you who witnessed the mid-newscast blubberfest on last night's "Ten at Ten" know that nothing we write here can top it. For those of you who missed it: nothing we write here can do it justice. Billed as a "big announcement" both on WOWT's website and on-air, Pat Persaud announced that she is leaving the station, in a fit of weeping and rambling the likes of which we haven't seen in some
Holiday time at Channel Sux means filling up time that nobody would buy with "holiday greetings" that showcase the station's on-air personalities and their families.This year, cotton-candy-for-brains morning anchorette Maladroit Maddox's spot features her inexplicable need to have neighbors help her put decorations up around the inside of her house. Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man Brian Mastre and his
Hansen On the Job
Contrary to a rumor that surfaced on our comments board, KPTM's Dave Hansen was not suspended over his story this week on internet porn. A source at Channel 42 characterizes the report as "not true."Hell, when you have FOX in your station's name, porn stories usually mean a promotion, don't they?
At what point did "sun-glare" become such a point of concern for weather-guessers?We think it began about the time dimwit Channel 6 Ejacucaster Andrea Rich galloped into town. It quickly spread to her alto-voiced colleague Jeff Jensen and has even made it into the mush-mouthed babbling of Channel 7's Andrea "Welcome Back AND Good Morning" Bredow.With apologies to Mike McKnight, we found it
To hear the Suxers tell it, none of them can go anywhere without being mobbed by folks wanting to know about "Jim's Winter Forecast." Yeah, sure. Hardly anyone's talking about the election, or Thanksgiving being right around the corner, or the latest episode of "The Office." We'll bet Jim's appearances in public look like the return of the Elvis. People are so dependent on his pronouncements.Oh
KETVNewswatchseven'sJulie Cornell finally announced what's been widely known for months: she's vacating her anchor position at the end of July and being replaced by Brandi Peterson. The complete announcement is here.While many have speculated that Cornell is being "Schradered"—shown the door for reasons of age, in the same way that Cornell's legendary predecessor, Carol Schrader, was forced out
Busy Week Grab Bag
While we've been otherwise engaged this week, odds and ends have popped up here and there, but nothing remarkable. So, for your amusement, we present various of the brain droppings that we've meant to turn into posts over the past few days...• In addition to eyeing work at KPTM, former WOWT morning anchor Trey Jones has apparently informed KETV of his interest in filling the anchor chair on that
It's How You Use It
Apparently dismayed by the meager 1.2" offical snowfall reading from Eppley Airfield, WOWT chief meteorologist Jim Flowers proudly reporter that he had "a hard three inches" in his front yard. There are some things we'd prefer Jim only share with Mrs. Flowers and his urologist. (Feel free to contribute your own punchlines.)
Contributions from two alert readers...Letter Number One:Did you see the ad in omahahelpwanted.com, and I think I also saw it while perusing the NE job bank:http://regionalhelpwanted.com/Search/detail.cfm?SN=31&ID=20107968They are also looking for a photojournalist. These ads are a couple of weeks old. Letter Number Two:I just happened to be watching Channel Sux sports Saturday evening waiting
Movin' On (Up?)
Our dream of a Jacim-Mueller anchor team on KPTM appears to be one step closer to reality. Check out who was medialine.com's talent of the day for Tuesday. Thanks to the alert reader who pointed this out to us.
Tuesday/Wednesday Splatterings
• Anyone playing the drinking game and watching WOWT's 10 p.m. news on Tuesday would've been dead from alcohol poisoning before the first commercial. John Knicely and Pat Persaud were indulging their "so-and-so, reporting live" fetish to a degree unmatched in our memory. Honest to God, they must've said it six or seven times, even though they conversed with each reporter and it would've been
Okay, Who Let Liggett Type That?
An alert reader points out this crawl at the bottom of the screen on Channel 7:"Your watching Newswatch 7"Other notes from other alert readers that took the words right out of our mouths:Who is directing the [Channel 6] news on weekends? I know you have touched on this before, but it is painful to watch Paul and Jaime sitting there staring into the camera, while the other is reading something
Ten Years...and They Still Can't Beat the Crap on WOWT
KETV is performing all sorts of contortions while patting itself on the back via promos "celebrating" the 10 years that its main anchor team has been together.Station management isn't likely to mention that the quartet's tenure began only after the station drove longtime anchor Carol Schrader off the air. At the time, insiders reported that station management subjected Schrader to repeated
Maybe this is a sign we've had the TV on too much, but it seems like this must be Have a Dolt Run the Chyron Day at local TV stations. The bungled attempt below, from KETV, ran during a story about the governor announcing he won't seek Ben Nelson's U.S. Senate seat in two years. Are TV keyboards harder to use than regular keyboards?
Say It's Ain't So, Sarah
We had wanted to believe it wasn't true. But now, having heard it from several reliable sources, we are sad to report the impending departure of KMTV weekend meteorologist Sarah Walters. One source claims she's headed for Phoenix for a TV job there (insert your own Phoenix and hot joke here), while another suggests that she is following her husband to an unknown location due to job
WOWT's N.D. Has a College Degree and What Good Has That Done?
No one will ever accuse KPTM of setting its sights too high. The continuing presence of Calvert "Larry Bud" Collins proves that.Having run off its latest news director in less than two years, Fox42 is running the ad below in the hope of finding a replacement. It's good to know that a GED is accepted in at least one line of work.
Ron Burgundy Lives!
Anyone who wonders if WOWT anchor John Knicely is dumber than paste got additional evidence to consider during Tuesday's 6 p.m. newscast. After reporter Gary Johnson recapped the media stakeout that filled Nebraska Lottery headquarters most of the day, he noted that eventually, an attorney "retained by the the winner or winners" contacted the lottery office and confirmed that his clients, indeed,
The Jim Flowers Game
Anyone looking for a drinking game need look no further than Jim Flowers' weather segments on Channel 6. This time of year, nobody gets more stirred up about changing weather than Jimmy. And when Jimmy's excited, Jimmy loves to beat a phrase or two into a fine paste. So, to play the game, just take one sip every time Jimmy says one of these phrases:• head into the• for the balance of• build in•
Three for 3: Suggestions for Getting KM3 Out of the Hole (Part 1 of 2)
It's been two or three decades for Channel 3. Putting a finger on just when things went wrong can be difficult. Some say it started in 1975, when it took the station months to figure out that it needed to bump its home-grown "Creature Feature" back to midnight to make room for a new network show called "Saturday Night Live." Other say it was when the station moved west to 108th Street from its
Meanwhile, in a Bathroom Stall at KM3, Travis Keeps, Um, Writing...
During our daily check of "TRAV'S TELEPROMPTER SCRIPT" (yes, it's embarrassing, but it's like a car accident--you want to look away but you just CAN'T), we found this sentence: TODAY, I THINK THE MEDIA FOR THE RIGHT REASONS AND AND THE WRONG REASONS HAS MORE TO DO WITH A PRESIDENTS PLACE IN HISTORY THAN HIS ACTIONS IN OFFICE.Our questions: (1) WHAT THE HELL DOES IT MEAN?!(2) Did they REALLY
Now seems like a good time to take a gaze around the market and name our 2009 Incompetent All-Star News Team.Morning Anchor (Male): WOWT's Lithpy Loudmouth Jimmy ThiedleckiMorning Anchor (Female): KMTV's Slow-Talking Kerri (Did she borrow her lips from Joan Rivers?) Stowell Morning Weatherguesser: WOWT Ejacucaster Rusty Lord, who appears to be developing a man-crush on Thiedlecki. Maybe Jimmy's
Brace Yourselves: Something Improved at Channel 6
No, they didn't fire John Knicely. Or Rachel Pierce. Or Jimmy Siedlecki. Or Gary Smollen. Or Brian New. Or Sheila Brummer.But anyone comparing Maniko Barthalemy's recent taped reports to those she delivered when she first arrived can't help but notice the improvement in her diction. Gone is the streety, whiny "Queen Shaniqua" sound, and in its place is a much more palatable delivery.While her
Let the Sickening, Self-Aggrandizing Retrospective Bullshit Promos Begin
We're really lucky these didn't start sooner. WOWT has started running promos in which the "retiring" "anchor" Pat Persaud proclaims that her "time at Channel 6 will soon come to an end." Pat oozes platitudes for another 30 seconds or so while a v-roll montage shows us Pat over the past 19 years and dozens of hairstyles (mullets included). At one point declaring, "I've done it all!", Pat seems to
More Complete Coverage? To What Point?
We decried it when Channel 6 sent Paul Baltes into the living room of a grieving mother back in March, so it'd be unfair to ignore the fact that both Channel 7 and Channel 3 did the same thing on Friday when they sent Brandi Petersen and Michelle Bandur, respectively, to milk the tears of a 12-year-old boy whose brother was run over by a school bus. Gee whiz, it doesn't get much more sickening
Here's a nice letter to WOWT that an alert reader cc'd us on...Thanks so much for the showing of your toddler program, "The Omaha Buzz" @ 11:35PM On Aug 3, 2008...I was riveted to my set as I watched your children stumble through, and announce the coming events for mid-May and early June 2008...Keep up the good work!It's good to see we're not the only ones who notice the institutional ineptitude
Satellhype Photography
There's not much that we feel warrants comment today, but we do have one question that's been nagging us: Is WOWT's "Neighborhood Tracker" as overblown as we think it is? From what we can tell, the Big Six has purchased a high-resolution satellite image of Omaha, which it then zooms in on and/or decorates as a substitute for actually going out and getting information. Sometimes, we get the
An alert reader sends us this link to a cracked.com piece entitled "5 Things the Media Loves Pretending Are News."
Several are similar to the sorts of crap we rail about here, including "Let's Ask the Idiots about Science, "Now for the Weather," and "Passing Advertisements off as News."
There are many wonderful and amazing things about living in the 21st century. Shitty news
Several are similar to the sorts of crap we rail about here, including "Let's Ask the Idiots about Science, "Now for the Weather," and "Passing Advertisements off as News."
There are many wonderful and amazing things about living in the 21st century. Shitty news
Like High School, Only with Money
One of our many alert readers tells us that NET—the latest name for Nebraska's public television outlet—was schedule to televise UNL wrestling last week only to have the plug pulled by the UNL athletic department. Their reason? They apparently didn't want Kevin Kugler covering a University of Nebraska event, perhaps due something(s) he said about Nebraska athletics on his AM1620/The Zone radio
The gap between the quality of Channel Sux and that of KETVNewswatch7 is never more apparent than in the midst of a tornado warning like the one issued for Omaha on Monday afternoon.On Channel 7, chief guesser Bill Randby switched calmly between the station's clearly superior radar and its several live cams. Particularly helpful were shots from the 88th and I-80 unit, one at 90th and Dodge, and,
This Week's Investigasm
At KETV, Inspector Gadget's research paper this week is on "Driving Drunk." Viewers can tune in to see this gem on Wednesday at 10 p.m.
Channel 6 has started running promos thanking viewers for helping the station cover Friday's severe weather outbreak.There's no way to prove it but we figure people are probably "helping" because they weren't expecting SuxNews to get around to it for a day or two, as was the case earlier in the month when a tornado hit.
KETV Claims Top Spot
At least that's what they're saying in this news release regarding the latest ratings...
Television Viewers Make KETV No. 1 In Local News
Television Viewers Make KETV No. 1 In Local News
And on Monday, He'll Tell Us All About the Internets
Watching WOWT anchors John Knicely and Tracy Madden deliver their obligatory 30-second teaser in the midst of the Today Show, we were amused (but not surprised) to hear Knicely refer to the Summit of the Americas as the "Summit of the Americans. (He's also probably one of those dolts who calls his internet provider "American Online.) If you ask, he can also tell you about how San Diego was
Live. Local. Big and Thtupid.
Latest word mangled by a Channel 6 anchor: "Tourist."Morning anchor/Loud-Talker/Gomer-Pyle-Lookalike Jim "Last Word" Thiedlecki pronounced it "tower-ist" several times on Thursday's broadcast.But what could we reasonably expect from a guy who sounded so enthusiastic when tellling viewers about the October 24th "Cirque DAY Soleil" performance in Omaha?The folks in Branson and thereabouts must
KPTM Shakeup Underway?
An alert reader reports that KPTM has dismissed reporter Dave DeJohn, who is said to have told management that if he left, his wife, anchor Tracy Jacim would follow. Our source says that Jacim's year-long contract is set to expire this week and that this development suggests it won't be renewed at the behest of one party or another.
On 15 It's a Farrah Fawcett Wig; On 7 It's Farrah Fazal
While many of us were distracted by the flash and freneticism of Action 3 News, denizens of the Newsplex were cringing at the latest in a series of KETV staff gaffes, this one from newcomer Farrah Fazal.First some background. Last month, when we noted that Fazal had been hired, we got a great email from an alert reader in the great state of Washington, who had interesting info on Ms Fazal: Years
It's probably a sign of how little news there was on Wednesday.Within minutes of each other, KETVNewswatchSeven and SuxNews managed to air stories about two different drivers whining about how the same pot-hole in a Home Depot parking lot damaged their cars.The KETV version is here and the WOWTard account is here.
WOWT's speech-impaired anchor/reporter Rachel Pierce closed out "Channel Shicksh Newzh UhLive Shunday" by announcing that she's leaving the station this week. Her last day is Wednesday, which will purge from the station's payroll yet another totally worthless employee. God help the poor folks in Des Moines, where she claims to be headed.
It'd be hard to prove based on this site, but we really do restrain ourselves from pointing out every Channel Sux malfunction, miscue, and moronic comment. There are two reasons for this.
First, a certain number of slip-ups are to be expected when you're doing live TV.
Second, there are only 24 hours in a day.
We were going to overlook this next item, but since several alert readers
First, a certain number of slip-ups are to be expected when you're doing live TV.
Second, there are only 24 hours in a day.
We were going to overlook this next item, but since several alert readers
Speaking of Embarrassing Yokelism
Here's something else we’ve been meaning to complain about, even though it’s been running for a couple of months now: that embarrassing Channel 6 promo where John Kniceley and Pat Persaud pretend to be best friends with NBC's Brian Williams. It’s unclear how much time the pair got to spend with Williams, but we hope it wasn’t much, given the lameness of the footage that made it to air. If you
But Paul Probably Is the Walrus
Tipped off by an alert reader, we went to the KM3 website to see it for ourselves:Some might attribute the misspelling to error. We suspect otherwise. "Libby is not the leek"—could easily be read as, "Libby is not the onion," which sounds a lot like a secret coded message being sent by a KMTV staffer. Perhaps it's a signal to begin the long-awaited dismantling of "For What It's Worth."
Great Scott! Sunday Night's All Right for Fighting in KC, Too
Talk about convergence. We were just writing about the local trend toward placing primary anchor teams on Sunday night duty during sweeps periods (if two stations doing something constitutes a trend). And it wasn't too long ago that we mentioned former KETV and KMTV anchor Michael Scott.Lo and behold, Aaron Barnhart's article in Wednesday's Kansas City Star reveals that the Sunday night
Hallelujah! FWIW to Be Flushed
According to those in a position to know, KMTV has decided to restore sports to its newscast and to axe "For What It's Worth" commentary by Travis Justice. We're not sure when the change will take place, but at least there's a light at the end of the tunnel.
If They Exerted Any Less Effort, The Screen Would Be Blank
Because we write so much about the almost constant screwups on Channel 6, there is always the temptation to forego writing about them, feeling as if we're piling on. But ignoring glaring incompetence and unprofessionalism would really defeat the purpose of this little enterprise, which is to shine some light on our local television news outlets.Today's episode involves the "Live at Daybreak" gang
Sorry We Missed It
An alert reader fills us in on a Channel 7 moment we wish we'd seen:Didn't know if you saw it, and I was really hoping you would get screen capture, but on Thu night the 5 o'clock news they were airing a little clip on the "Uses of baby powder" and the clip ended and the shot went back to the anchors. OMG! They weren't prepared and Rob McCartney was sitting there, bored with his head sitting on
Worth a Thousand Words
We're having quite a bit of fun with the Carol Schrader Shrine we mentioned a couple of days ago. We particularly like the photo gallery, which features lots of screencaps of Carol during her days at Channel 7.A game that you might want to play with the kids and neighbors tonight is one we call "Name This Photo." The rules are simple: Look at the picture and give it a funny title. Funniest title
Early Morning News Means Money
Local stations are finding mornings to be rewarding in terms of dollars and viewers. No wonder WOWT and KETV have been shoring up their morning programs (although we're not sure adding Elictia Hammond shored 7's show up so much as it bogged things down). The interesting story is entitled Local News Wakes Up. [Broadcasting & Cable]
Being Paul Baltes can't be easy tonight. Imagine going home at the end of your day, saying to yourself, "Today, I was able to exploit a woman's grief and get her to sob uncontrollably on camera. Then, to top it off, I managed to parlay all that sadness into a two or three minute story. Man, am I proud of my work!" If you didn't see it, WOWT's 6 p.m. newscast featured Baltes interviewing the
Monday Morning Miscellany
• Super Bowl viewers got an unexpected knock upside the head Sunday when KETV peppered breaks with a seemingly endless supply of promos for something it's calling the "I-Team." Yeesh. (Didn't KMTV have an "I-Team" back in the '90s?) The promos promise that reporters Carol Kloss, Mike Sigmond, Suzanne Deyo, and Farrah Fazal will be digging into "stories that matter" and "keeping you and your
Two front teeth
Channel Sux's Jimmy Thiedlecki is, indeed, the Ghost of Christmas Stupid.During Tuesday's morning program, Jimmy reported that New York EMS workers were facing questions after refusing to help a woman who "allegedly died." God bleth uth everyone!
Enough with the Smoking Chimp Already
Unable to keep the hilarity to herself any longer, KETV's Elictia "Omarosa" Hammond on Monday morning just HAD to show weathergirl Andrea Bredow the video Andrea missed last week when she was off. Of course, it was the video of the chimpanzee at a South African zoo who smokes cigarettes thrown to him by idiotic zoo visitors. Elictia and Andrea just laughed and laughed. It was THAT funny.Note to
KM3 Delivers Its Spin on May Ratings
KMTV issued a press release on Wednesday highlighting what it sees as bright spots in the recently issued May sweeps ratings.Entitled "KMTV Viewership Continues to Grow," the 121-word statement boasts that the station ranked first in total viewers, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., mainly on the strength of its network and syndicated programming, including Regis & Kelly, The Price is
Holy smokes, get a load of this story, which reports on a Washington, D.C. station that plans to have its anchors operate their own teleprompters—with their feet—as they read the news.Our favorite line: Some at the station worry that such a roll-your-own system could increase the potential for on-camera blunders, as anchors fumble for the right spot in their scripts.This should be a real treat
Beyond Lazy
Latest sign that they're not even trying any more at Channel 6: Closing Wednesday morning's 7:55 Today Show local cut-in, loud-talking know-it-all Jimmy Thiedlecki asked viewers "with stories or personal connections" to newly-dead President Gerald Ford to give the station a call.Um, doesn't the station have reporters to dig this kind of thing up?Oh, wait. This is Sux News, where reporters like
A Few Random Observations
• Has anyone caught the Omaha Public Schools' latest offering on The Knowledge Network (Cox Channel 17)? It's hosted by district spokescrone LuAnn Nelson, who peppers some apparently over-coached youngsters with canned questions to set up their canned answers. It's reminiscent of old propaganda films cranked out by the Soviets during the Cold War. Is this the best OPS can come up with? How is it
An oft-run promo on WOWT gushes that the station is the first in the area offering full HD.
After Wednesday's day-long debacle—"technical difficulties" that shut down the "Daybreak" program and severely handicapped newscasts for the remainder of the day—the SuxNews braintrust might want to craft a new message celebrating the "Heartland's" first full HD meltdown.
This seems to be a case of
After Wednesday's day-long debacle—"technical difficulties" that shut down the "Daybreak" program and severely handicapped newscasts for the remainder of the day—the SuxNews braintrust might want to craft a new message celebrating the "Heartland's" first full HD meltdown.
This seems to be a case of
What Does This Say About Their Readers?
If you thought you were depressed about local news quality, you'll be even more so when you see who The Reader's readers chose for the paper's "Best of the Big O" awards:Best Weatherperson: Jim Flowers (WOWT)Best Television Reporter: Mike McKnight (WOWT)Best Sportscaster: Dave Webber (WOWT)Best News Anchor Team: WOWTBest Anchorperson: John Knicely (WOWT)On the bright side, however, at least
Ending half a decade of speculation, WOWT's Dave Webber announced on Thursday's 10 p.m. newscast that he will be stepping down as sports director. No timeline was given on exactly when Webber will exit; he plans to continue with the station on a part-time basis.Ross Jernstrom, who has waited in the wings for over 20 years, will take Webber's place. It'll be interesting to see how the audience
Palestinians Take Over WOWT Control Room?
Scrolling headline during WOWT's Sunday morning newscast: "DOCTORS: ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER ARIEL SHARON IS 'NO IMMEDIATE DANGER' FOLLOWING EMERGENCY SURGERY."Speaking of the Big Six's weekend morning...• Anchor Andrea McMaster, whose symptoms of idiocy seemed to be in remission during her first two weeks back from maternity leave, appears to be backsliding. For one thing, she's returned to
Kudos to KMTV's Devon Patton for scoring a bizarre interview Wednesday with former Husker/accused murderer Thunder Collins. The interview appeared to be conducted in a parking lot and Patton repeatedly described Collins as seeming "amused" by his situation.A slap up side the head to the station, however, for the story that followed: an interview with an unidentified woman claiming to have seen
UPN+WB=CW: A Local Marriage from Hell?
Tuesday's announcement that the UPN and WB networks would merge struck us as interesting at first. We were thinking that maybe these two fractional networks might come together to create something closer to one complete outfit. And then it occurred to us that the local implications could be rather ominous. Might Omaha's UPN affiliate—carried on Cox Cable and operated by WOWT's owner, Gray
McMaster Delivers
Capping a pregnancy that seemed to last forever, WOWT anchor/reporter Andrea McMaster delivered a baby girl this past Saturday. Mother and baby are said to be home and doing fine.
Knicely Begins Cotton Bowl Renovation
Following up a story by reporter Maniko Barthalemy on Tuesday, borderline retarded anchor John Knicely told viewers that the Cotton Bowl in Dallas holds 68,000. Perhaps his information came from another of the station's pleas for viewer phone-ins, but the Cotton Bowl website suggests that folks in Dallas think the stadium holds over 71,000. Then again, maybe big numbers, like big words, just
Meuret Leaving KETV
It's November and turnover is in the air. First, Doug Walker decides to leave WOWT to go help OPS Superintendent John Mackiel play TV. Now comes word that KETV reporter Trisha Meuret plans to leave KETV in a week or so to work for Pete Ricketts' Senate campaign.Such departures always create a situation that we love here at OMA News: the opportunity for a station to introduce a fresh face into the
Lost and Found
An alert reader recently wrote that one of the benefits of OMAnews is that it keeps readers in the loop regarding changes in personnel. So, rather than having it take a period of months to realize that Joe Schmutz has disappeared from Channel 56, a regular reader of OMAnews may know about it before said reporter or anchor is even out the door.Given the relative newness of OMAnews, we've fielded
Assorted Qs & As
Some of the more frequent questions we’ve fielded since we began this little experiment a month or two ago…Q: Why do you pick on Channel 6 so much?A: For a couple of reasons. First, Channel 6 has led the ratings for a long time now, although they’ve faced stiffer competition of late. Not only that, but it seems pretty clear that they’ve traditionally had a bigger budget to work with. With those
Get a Load of This!
KPTM is advertising for a reporter/anchor and a couple of other positions, as we reported earlier. It turns out, however that the new suckers employees will be slapping together a 10 p.m. newscast for KXVO/WB15.The new program may not add much to the local broadcast scene, but think of the hundreds of dollars that these three new jobs will pump into the local economy each month.We now invite you
A Head-Spinning Month, So Far
We can't say this year's February sweeps period is boring. Then again, we won't say it's particularly good, either. If nothing else, though, it's weird as hell.• Has KETV chief meteorologist Bill Randby gotten into a crate of hysteria-inducing pills left behind by Jim Flowers? Thursday at 10 p.m., Randby led into a break by raising his voice to exclaim, "It's snowing RIGHT NOW!" and implying that
Google TV is coming to 10,000 lucky developers
Google TV is now available in Best Buy and Sony Style stores across the nation, as well as online through Amazon.com. We’re excited that consumers are finally taking these out of the box and have been hearing a lot of positive early feedback. And while people may think that Google TV is great now, we can’t wait for them to see what’s coming.
First and foremost, as with Android for mobile, we’ll continually push new system updates with new features and bug fixes as they become available. But just as important, we are focusing our efforts on empowering the developers of the world to make Google TV an even better experience, through websites that have been built with the TV screen in mind.
For users, better-looking and more interesting websites means that the overall Google TV experience is even better. We want to encourage a new generation of TV developers to come forward to make this vision a reality. Which is why, over the next few weeks, we’re planning to give away 10,000 Google TV devices to help developers start building for TV.
This morning, we gave away more than 3,000 Google TV devices to attendees of the Adobe MAX conference. Additionally, we’ll be reaching out to thousands of web developers in the Google Code community to offer them a free device. Finally, if you are a professional web developer who wants to help make the Google TV experience even better and you don’t happen to fall into one of those two groups, please submit an entry to our Google TV Web Developer Promotion and include a short summary about the type of interesting website your company would like to create or optimize for Google TV. We’re planning to select 2,500 winners from those entries to receive a free Google TV device.
We can’t wait to see the new sites people will build. Until then, check out some of the latest Spotlight sites that have just launched on Google TV. A few of our favorites include Net-A-Porter, which lets you watch runway videos and shop for high fashion; Meegenius, a place where you can read and customize children’s books; TuneIn, a personal radio for your TV; and The Onion which always gives us a good laugh.
As we’ve always said, the coolest thing about Google TV is that we don’t even know what the coolest thing about it will be. The experience is in the hands of its users and developers, and everyone is invited. Come play.
First and foremost, as with Android for mobile, we’ll continually push new system updates with new features and bug fixes as they become available. But just as important, we are focusing our efforts on empowering the developers of the world to make Google TV an even better experience, through websites that have been built with the TV screen in mind.
For users, better-looking and more interesting websites means that the overall Google TV experience is even better. We want to encourage a new generation of TV developers to come forward to make this vision a reality. Which is why, over the next few weeks, we’re planning to give away 10,000 Google TV devices to help developers start building for TV.
This morning, we gave away more than 3,000 Google TV devices to attendees of the Adobe MAX conference. Additionally, we’ll be reaching out to thousands of web developers in the Google Code community to offer them a free device. Finally, if you are a professional web developer who wants to help make the Google TV experience even better and you don’t happen to fall into one of those two groups, please submit an entry to our Google TV Web Developer Promotion and include a short summary about the type of interesting website your company would like to create or optimize for Google TV. We’re planning to select 2,500 winners from those entries to receive a free Google TV device.
We can’t wait to see the new sites people will build. Until then, check out some of the latest Spotlight sites that have just launched on Google TV. A few of our favorites include Net-A-Porter, which lets you watch runway videos and shop for high fashion; Meegenius, a place where you can read and customize children’s books; TuneIn, a personal radio for your TV; and The Onion which always gives us a good laugh.
As we’ve always said, the coolest thing about Google TV is that we don’t even know what the coolest thing about it will be. The experience is in the hands of its users and developers, and everyone is invited. Come play.
Update: To clarify, this giveaway is only for U.S based developers. We hope to make Google TV available in other markets soon.
Posted by Amanda Surya, Google TV Developer Relations Team
An alert reader sends us this alleged SuxNews tweet from a few days ago . . .
@WOWTweather: A cold front is just to our west. As it crosses the winds will shit to the northwest. We warm to near 76º today.
@WOWTweather: A cold front is just to our west. As it crosses the winds will shit to the northwest. We warm to near 76º today.
SuxNews morning twits Jimmy Thiedlecki and Maladroit Maddox were missing from their broadcast for a second consecutive day Tuesday, replaced by the genial-but-clueless Brian Latham, who looks even more lost in front of a virtual set than usual.As for the regulars, let's hope they've been sent away for weeks of intensive voice coaching and speech therapy. It's more likely, however, that they're
First, Channel Sux decided to rename what everyone else on the planet would call its website; they started calling it their "web channel."Then they put a computer on a desk and started referring to it as "the dot-com center."Now, an alert reader points out another classic Suxism: they've started using Google Maps in their coverage and calling it their "news navigator."No other station in Omaha
More Time to Reed
Aside from the Channel 6 "first response" event on Tuesday, the only other memorable item we've seen is the work of KETV's Kailyn Reed. We've decided Reed is the Anti-Fazal; she is everything that Fubar isn't. Attractive. Articulate. Poised. Intelligent.We were with friends who'd not seen her before when one of them remarked, "She's way too good to be working in Omaha." Yeah. We know.
Swing and a Miss
WOWT's SucksNews on Saturday aired footage of that day's Juneteenth parade but somehow managed to totally miss the fact that the rest of the celebration was cancelled when a group of unruly youths created a ruckus at the entrance to Metro Community College's Fort Omaha Campus, where the event was to have taken place. We aren't suggesting that Channel 6 was the only station to ignore the story
A Lazy Friday: Sorting the Mail
And now, as a public service, we scrounge through the mail and comment bag to engage with our readership in a thoughtful exchange of views about the local TV scene…One Anonymous reader writes, Let me say that your column about Pat Persaud is the most mean-spirited piece of writing that I have ever seen. Im trying to figure out what type of person would write that garbage. My guess is you are a
KETV Loses Managing Editor
KETV managing editor Joseph Kasmir, whose journalism career included a stint at Omaha radio station KFAB, died unexpectedly on Tuesday. Kasmir was a respected journalist who frequently helped colleagues by tapping into his own sources when a confirmation was needed.KETV has a post on his passing here.
A Wacky Weather Weekend
Anyone who thinks that moronicism in weathercasters is confined to local stations should've spent an hour or so watching the Weather Channel on Saturday or Sunday.As Hurricane Katrina charged toward the Louisina-Mississippi coast, Weather Channel personnel could barely contain their glee. Approximately thrice per half hour, viewers were treated to an overwrought, drum-saturated graphics package
People Who Deserve More Airtime
Lest our little effort here be perceived as devoid of kindness, we now offer a partial list of folks we'd like to see more of...• John Oakey. His switch from weekend sports guy to anchor was just what the doctor ordered for Channel 7's morning show. Unfortunately, he's now been saddled with the virtually unwatchable Elictia Hammond as his co-anchor, meaning less airtime for him and less watching
No More Big Squash Jokes
Okay, so we were out of town Thursday night/Friday and took the weekend off. We received an email this afternoon from one reader who claims to be suffering from withdrawl. It's nice to be missed. Here are a few miscellaneous items littering the desktop today...•••A belated thanks to Sean Weide of The Reader, whose “Media Notes” column last week mentioned our humble effort here for the second time
Even we are getting sick of griping about Channel Sux, especially the morning show; unfortunately, they can't stop shooting themselves in the foot long enough for us to take a break.This morning, we flipped over just in time to catch anchor Jimmy Thiedlecki, in his best know-it-all voice, trying to school someone about a Seinfeld reference."It was Kramer who had the puffy shirt!" he exclaimed
A few odds and ends at the end of a snowy week . . .
• We happened to catch Action 3rd's 10 p.m. Thursday 'cast and must admit that it was surprisingly not awful. Bland anchor Carol Wang was working without her bland co-anchor, What's-His-Name. While no stories were outstanding, it was a solid, fairly well-executed effort. If all (or even most) of the station's evening newscasts are of similar
• We happened to catch Action 3rd's 10 p.m. Thursday 'cast and must admit that it was surprisingly not awful. Bland anchor Carol Wang was working without her bland co-anchor, What's-His-Name. While no stories were outstanding, it was a solid, fairly well-executed effort. If all (or even most) of the station's evening newscasts are of similar
You Can't Stop Her; You Can Only Hope to Contain Her
Even the most dogged efforts of her Channel 6 co-workers were no match for scrappy part-time anchor Pat Persaud (and/or the incessant high-voiced whining of meteorologist Jeff Jensen). After four days of anchoring, Persaud, who appears determined to use up every second of sick time accumulated over her 19 years at the station, escaped from the studio and took Friday off. Heir presumptive Tracy
An alert reader notifies us of a delightful development at SuxNews:
Nadia Singh is leaving Channel Sux...its been plastered all over her facebook...she's headed back to somewhere on the east coast. Tragic, laughing @ her clown makeup is usually a great way to start my day.Getting rid of this chubby little rascal with her bad haircut, one-size-too-small leather jacket, and monotone delivery can
Nadia Singh is leaving Channel Sux...its been plastered all over her facebook...she's headed back to somewhere on the east coast. Tragic, laughing @ her clown makeup is usually a great way to start my day.Getting rid of this chubby little rascal with her bad haircut, one-size-too-small leather jacket, and monotone delivery can
She's Baaack! Omarosa Returns, Frightens Early Risers
A station insider reports that KETV's Elictia Hammond was missing from the morning shift on Thursday and Friday due to an allergic reaction. We don't know what she's allergic to, but whatever it is, we want to get a truckload of it and smear it all over the doors and parking lot of the station.Referring to our enthusiasm for having Brandi Petersen anchoring in the mornings, the aforementioned
KETV Features Unusual Sunday Lineup
With regular weekend anchor Suzanne Deyo missing (and we're not complaining), Channel 7's Sunday evening newscasts found reporter Todd Andrews filling in. Reporting were Carol Kloss, who offered options for Husker fans planning to travel to San Antonio for the Alamo Bowl, and Laura Liggett, with a piece on the ongoing search for a missing girl in North Omaha. Kloss, sporting some specs that
The Ghost of Talent Exodus Future
Step right up and place your bets on how long 'til this one's outta here: Superb (especially for KPTM) weekend anchor Amanda Mueller is now listed among those searching for a better gig in the Medialine Talent Showcase.If she could be persuaded to stay in Omaha, we can think of a number of slots where she'd fit quite nicely:• KMTV's weekend anchor desk, which has an open seat (two if you count
Using Technology for Evil Rather Than Good
The website for Journal Broadcasting's BigSports 590 radio station is now making mp3 copies of KM3 "Sports Director" Travis Justice's "Big Show" available via its website. For those of you new to the world of mp3 players, this means that you can now download Trav's show to your iPod and listen to his voice for hours on end. If you don't want to go to all that trouble, you can simulate the
And the Downward Spiral Continues
Someone at KETV apparently decided that the station's descent into the gutter wasn't progressing quite fast enough, so who got to fill in for Julie Cornell on Thursday but FUBAR Fazal?! Not only is her delivery at the anchor desk every bit as bad as when she's reporting, her facial expressions fall somewhere between constipated and terrified. And then there's that voice. Fazal is the only person
At least it's not mouth sores
At Channel 6, there's no idea that isn't worth repeating until it has all the life beaten out of it. The latest example of this philosophy comes in promos for Mike McKnight's "Six on Your Side" "investigations." Rather than have McKnight cut a new promo for each story, the geniuses at WOWT have their announcer lay down a voice track describing the latest scam, roll a a graphic and/or a little
Name That Face
In addition to providing updates on a jillion former local newsers (see comments section of previous post), Sean Weide has suggested that we post this picture and see who can give us the name of this former Omaha talent (see below). The first person to post the correct answer in the Comments section of this post gets to buy Sean lunch.Meteorologist Juli MarquezBayNews9, Tampa/St.
Since KPTM is apparently willing to do anything to save a buck, perhaps instead of paying meteorologists, they can hire that octopus who predicted the World Cup winners. It'd probably be more accurate than Giggly Jim Flowers and his little sidekick, Seabiscuit, and considerably more watchable.
The Big Six and Holiday Cheer
Three quick observations about WOWT's PSAs for its canned food drive for the Salvation Army:• What's the deal with Malorie Maddox's hair? Did she lose a bet? It's not been like that any other time we've seen her on-air. And we'd like to keep it that way. Yikes.• Are we the only ones who want to bury the Ejacu-Weather "team" under about eight feet of that snow they keep getting a chubby over? In
Updating the Scorecard to Know the Players
Activity in the rumor mills and job postings...• Reporter Doug Walker is leaving WOWT for a job outside the biz. Is Channel 6 considering making someone a one-man band? Its ad for a "reporter/videographer" suggests it's possible, however unlikely. We've learned it's unwise to underestimate the Jonas/Clark braintrust's capacity for boneheaded moves.• Speaking of The Big Six, an alert reader
Don't Say They Didn't Warn Us
Totally off-topic, we know, but if you want to read an eerily accurate description of the devastation in New Orleans, check out this article from National Geographic's website. What makes it eerie is that it was written last year.
Announcing the Sony Internet TV and Sony Internet TV Blu-Ray Player
We're excited to announce that Sony has revealed details of the much anticipated Sony Internet TV powered by Google TV, including a range of sizes, retail availability, and pricing. As an added bonus for people who would like to get the Google TV experience without buying a new TV, Sony has also unveiled the Sony Internet TV Blu-ray Player.
We've been hard at work with both the Sony and Logitech teams for the past few months and are looking forward to your feedback on these new devices. Please join us on Twitter or Facebook and let us know what you think.
- Posted by Jeff Lu, Google TV Engineer
Counterprogramming Against Pat's Retirement, Step 1: Have Julie Talk About Sex
It's probably just our dirty minds at work, but KETV anchor Julie Cornell's "diary" this week—on the topic of abstinence—seems to be especially full of thought-provoking phrases. It probably didn't help that the "Julie's Diary" email announcing the stories started with this line: "An abstinence trainer wants your child to have mind-blowing sex -- just not right now." Some other examples:• "STDs
Such an Easy Target
How can anyone not love the Onion? It's even more lovable when it mocks local news claims of "non-stop news" and other such hype-laden bullshit. Or is it bullshit-laden hype?10 O’Clock News Team Relying Heavily On Work Of 6 O’Clock News Team
Wasted on the Way
A new study reports that Americans manage to spend at least a couple of hours a day surfing the net and otherwise wasting time when they're supposed to be working. Imagine what that number would look like if the researchers had taken Travis Justice's numerous gigs into consideration. That guy's entire day is a waste of time, to say nothing of the dozen or so people who listen to or watch him.
Good News
The good news is that perpetually befuddled KETV reporter Laura Liggett has figured out that she may not be cut out for TV. She's taking a job with a local nonprofit agency, according to Sean Weide's Media Notes blog.
Election Notes
• Favorite Flub: KETVNewswatch7's Brandi Peterson referring to longtime Douglas County Commisioner Clare Duda as "winning her race." Duda, by all outward appearances, is a man and has been for the 15 or 20 years he's been in the public eye. Wake up, Brandi.• Runnerup Flub: Action 3rd News' Joe Jordan telling viewers that Mike Johanns "appears to be winning" his Senate race when Johanns was ahead
• Why did the hair of Channel Sux bimbo Mayellorie Maddox change colors thrice this week? On Tuesday, it was bleach-blonde. On Wednesday, light brunette. Thursday brought a compromise between the Tuesday and Wednesday shades. And by Friday, she was back to bleach blonde. Did someone's paws inadvertently grab the wrong shade of Miss Clairol?• Speaking of Maladroit, what did she find "cool" about
Scarier Than the Plane Crash
WOWT's noon news featured reporter Sheila Brummer live from the scene. Apparently dispatched to the site directly from a deep sleep, Brummer appeared with no makeup and hair that was flat, at best. The hideousness of the picture defies description. We were actually relieved when the wind blew her hair and partially obscured her face. It was scarier than a KETV close-up of Elictia Hammond when she
Death Spiral Continues
An alert reader reports that, in news even more revolting than the usual excrement flowing out of Channel Sux, weekend anchor Jaime McCutcheon was escorted from the building on Wednesday after being notified that her contract was not being renewed.
If the station has truly dumped McCutcheon, one of the few talented on-air personalities left at the station, that brings to approximately a
If the station has truly dumped McCutcheon, one of the few talented on-air personalities left at the station, that brings to approximately a
Behind the Scenes at Channel 6
Sunday was Courtny Gerrish's last night on Channel 6. She's departing for the bright lights of Milwaukee, where she'll anchor the late afternoon news. To understand why she's leaving, we think it'd be fun to imagine the conversation that must have taken place nearly a year ago, when Gerrish was hoping to fill the anchor vacancy on the Big Six's 4 p.m. newscast. If WOWT GM Frank Jonas and News
The Ghost of TV Pat(hetic)
Tiny "retired" WOWT anchor Pat Persaud has resurfaced on the station, this time hawking a trip to Australia through Channel 6 and some travel agency or another. All tarted up in this new spot, Pat—a 50-something woman trying to look 20—seems to have lost weight and gotten a new hairstyle that droops into her face about half the time.Apparently Pat wanted a trip to Australia but didn't want to pay
Another Station Loses Talent, Retains the Mediocre
Our silence has been the result of some work-related out-of-townery that keeps us from seeing Omaha TV and the desperate assurances from KETV's "I-Team" that they're working to help us and our families. (Hmmm...We need the house painted this summer. Perhaps the I-Team can help with that. Imagine: Suzanne Deyo scraping paint and littering her helmet with primer while Farrah Fazal shoots herself in
Olla Ramlan Sexy Presenter Host Dahsyat
Febiolla Ramlan (Olla Ramlan) is a presenter and model from Indonesia. Olla Ramlan begin to famous while she endorsed a Coffee advertising "Nescafe - Pagi Donna Version". After that, Olla Ramlan always called as Donna.
Born in Banjarmasin and still has a Dayak Blood, Olla Ramlan success to transform into a sexy and exotic lady. Her dark brown skin remind us with Indonesia Sexy Chef Farah Quinn.
After famous as a model, Olla Ramlan decided to marry with Alex Tian in 2003, before they divorced in 2010.
As an actress, Olla Ramlan is not very active. She once starred at drama "Shakila", and comedy sitcom OKB. Olla Ramlan also starred in Suami-Suami Takut Istri The Movie (2008).
Now, Olla Ramlan is a host for RCTI Music Programme "Dahsyat". Olla Ramlan replaced Lunya Maya as a host after Luna Maya was involved in sex video scandal with Ariel Peterpan.
Many fans still don't accept Olla Ramlan as a host in Dahsyat. But Olla try to convince her fans that she is suitable for the position, and Olla also won an award "host Tamu TerDasyat 2011". May be in the future, Olla can upgrade her status in Dahsyat from Guest Host into Main Host.
Olla Ramlan Tatto
So far, Olla Ramlan has 11 tattos in all over her body. Most of the tattos are the name of her family.
Olla Ramlan Profile
Full Name: Febiolla Ramlan
Nick Name: Olla Ramlan
Nationality: Indonesian
Place & date of birth: Banjarmasin, February 15, 1980
Zodiac: Aquarius
Marital status: Married
Name of husband: Alex Tian
Name of children: Sean Michael Alexander
Parent's name: Muhammad Ramlan (father) and Pissa Assarah (mother)
Hobby: Perfume collection
Achievements & awards: Winner of the Cover Girl Fashion Favorites 1997
Advertising :
Good Time Cookies
Filmografi :
Suami-suami Takut Istri The Movie (2008)
Sinetron :
Cinta Indah
Mata Air Surga
Video Klip
Volume Band - Hey Cantik
Mulan Jameela Feat Cameria Happy Pramita - Cinta Mati 2
Olga Syahputra - Jangan Ganggu Aku Lagi
Ilovu - Pacar 3
Olla Ramlan Photos and Pictures
![Olla Ramlan](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi1qNh8H2cUKxezr-pqB00w8wCZOvxJbYaIPJZ02qbASQkdRFCXOHNO8LC4N8OtabGbkaKNeGFrI59zZtRo39MZW298SG4cE-CBHL1XC9IqTbgJC7xyp7NWmepg7fBzOEK_fj8epaPKCtBN/s1600/olla_ramlan1.jpg)
![Olla Ramlan](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh5phxdM5kiOi8rbcS8p6m9xv2Gnluf9u71IN_Opr3Hc3HLMMO-TOKLycDr-IZQViENstoln94dh5qeXoUY_Zc2iew4ldltl57k2lexpIgIs_jQ6h9ODeVw6fvCwhioCxbJGbyI0ZZdVbvl/s1600/olla_ramlan2.jpg)
![Olla Ramlan](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh33DQY5QZJEqF2vf1-G9ruZ0JRizVqxL9rRSo0ilp-8scC_lCBPHJMp4d_pRk8ocIKUDWe_O4oYvnus6r0eOLKSnpJXGtWqjPx2UnkCtZf5sON4VUvaifpyFUzxe1ctOR5uzrjFxLT5aYZ/s1600/olla_ramlan3.jpg)
![Olla Ramlan](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgA5S3DZ_SdYoq_i8BRigTM64urwc_IHAeZhmgA_MeKN4MbsIJUf6hD4PBgI0cwSSE2Yqv056A9ZF1bQsGt1hqMAw7MaKQngcPZq9hb4QRsVojRCFieeeVmkXVEPGPv62ChuySoFg0KLGqY/s1600/olla_ramlan4.jpg)
![Olla Ramlan](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhuIEZLobD3o4Zcy6AzH24pq9riZy5QVIMPKV_8uUfS_yWYzq-0a7hK1lImVzEPJGOPyGMYMZwuWDN1Ire4YVJlp6uwUqPFIFGO6NlnK5VxNxeuwjb0d1lThnKASVlZox2YXttg0F1fOhna/s1600/olla_ramlan5.jpg)
![Olla Ramlan](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjy-Hv1AxW5YfkL41Nx8jRmFu80rrspAvKGouX8SCCZNAmXXiDqzRFfTLIFV9lO36d0HBZKQ45EXWjE_cGOpidDRCT-7EfZekrDt3mYE1C-92hOYDf8NE447xb1z1k2hOGVdvtQryU2CVPc/s320/olla_ramlan6.jpg)
![Olla Ramlan](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjd0WZ9t8N9vddJdhNFjGUA01oM2Z5GrYAkGD3yFgc6jeVqO2HUpW2bwdS4cIdph6DXm5kLOCkCnso92Truoj41c2vXsCFEikzX_dUTUhiOJOWTH4Qvc5pVyAiqybh5DZ0I5S8FcCArWHGZ/s1600/olla_ramlan7.jpg)
![Olla Ramlan](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjYket5iuwkZ8T9wI6C2sX-Wh5H1EAYU-zveUYIrPO_fp79jGV73ScoFAUWLguZ_HErd-TM4KuQqiDKanVwtcLhD_ubEBUpV1JIJE-Ps8evdwUArd4VQYAiN6ZPRqTuDOFP6tQiRh3xlay5/s1600/olla_ramlan8.jpg)
![Olla Ramlan](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgS9VDd5kNonvmJ61OuXocb4Xif9_hyphenhyphen96mjH4F6N2xQARUiX3mTMlW70-GMYzpGSCwt5WA__Zjs93-CicoxEratNQRlLmlO-_tZjuuSA-VF1RT2seNDkd1jRB9I7KXyKbJbpiOZjM4cqCv0/s1600/olla_ramlan9.png)
![Olla Ramlan](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgmOLnTnVBvyFh2KmOxaeNT_6YH6F9L3QEnLj7o8EwRnZjZWYg1KTObOI6n5-8uYN9mWl-cQ2aVfm7vAeLeQ0xInJjeZlbu8D682O_FXwVfIpMw7fXIPJEbdEnfnYcONWlIVtF-gO-IWLeo/s1600/olla_ramlan10.jpg)
![Olla Ramlan](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgGEwROddThFny8Fd-Mp3SYCRFD_sBnqFv9g8pUQbm09Csn7J1zfl3YIgNZPsCfvePG4FZqYI6y7ddhAUC0GqmFVjv0pTHntXzRmzUGA1VvudQvALrp2IpBBh5REvdMikAy_SZG9GfXLNEe/s400/olla_ramlan11.jpg)
![Olla Ramlan](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhidI4eX-7-Kf2htqSRXlqBvHosbiKxjRAP3UOsUgeygfnos96zKE92evAk4t4z4jBG-1PaM2LCEpdLMRD0gGyZV-_j3mbx6bUxoWWrDO-Fa4gyQrkfFURvB_beMeO0JlmSQuEo3LpZvnoB/s1600/olla_ramlan12.jpg)
![Olla Ramlan](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjdfIClmQkc0jPMR7CviZtu22qjrbScpC9VViylAcfzGUoZK0iZNIpKXcj-zoMbRN_27pOsMmvcN90Ii3_NZuzn0YN1czbMww2lr3eeVa1poCb7KkoJ3V8K_h0oKloEqiNYv6JavpXvGh1j/s400/olla_ramlan13.jpg)
![Olla Ramlan](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEibb7Br7fivLguqpnLCFkky5yJHKA1NSxg_SfSh9y0AhaKAGGkRBhokkaDT15GEnLNgQBXWxcF8qvdhwj9sWUFGlDh_29K9uMq7IQ1QNhofICpKNF4ug47z0b2Wk-gmogHC0M3D822SXQBY/s1600/olla_ramlan14.jpg)
![Olla Ramlan](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh6xnGqt3WTnQA_Sv0jpFDNP5g1qa5eovInKFFVRYkZZcbH0wLvnYSKgIPa0PmxQtE43QjZlt5U_sScxv48KJAHZ9bS6TEhoWK-yvMRE3qRkU_IR_3TOs4mZyf9tcJwLzE5WkBmMjDRBcsO/s1600/olla_ramlan15.jpg)
![Olla Ramlan](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjY8Z2dyRtoee7NWHxlXxyuQhwAK9Nm47teINZ9etfKG7a2g4LBEyyODZGx5yY_lzpuaxAVe6GO5OelX7-kvuDQaYM5uhNaWyNUAqJMDPLcO2sPTYK5yCbDDWkOqt7gO_VeG1L3-CHsxRUX/s1600/olla_ramlan16.jpg)
![Olla Ramlan](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg8sAaxhcD2Y9vqxYfRXdVGbzXj4LZ6bwR9AECSrPwU7JrbZ1l6-KG8hirjyL7Sx3MIr9BLJ42VQJoICoq4THlm-Nug4AObLHjtuoAdIO34cj8wTHuino3jIrSMAskYZFdpjmtzQWcyYAwN/s400/olla_ramlan17.jpg)
![Olla Ramlan](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg68TjEtBwEFfUBl_Exul2mayQFbFgWaAQHAy_sg_JaX33kMSfJfv7h6UYDxlE43FwF3dOyrTENul9szFX3jznCkcpVq0x4XIDcg6LNJeqgAlUl0dFDuM0xayAebWM6AFVTYwyqKBave3Ru/s1600/olla_ramlan18.jpg)
Watch Olla Ramlan as Host Tamu Terdahsyat at Dahsyat Award 2011 Video here
Born in Banjarmasin and still has a Dayak Blood, Olla Ramlan success to transform into a sexy and exotic lady. Her dark brown skin remind us with Indonesia Sexy Chef Farah Quinn.
After famous as a model, Olla Ramlan decided to marry with Alex Tian in 2003, before they divorced in 2010.
As an actress, Olla Ramlan is not very active. She once starred at drama "Shakila", and comedy sitcom OKB. Olla Ramlan also starred in Suami-Suami Takut Istri The Movie (2008).
Now, Olla Ramlan is a host for RCTI Music Programme "Dahsyat". Olla Ramlan replaced Lunya Maya as a host after Luna Maya was involved in sex video scandal with Ariel Peterpan.
Many fans still don't accept Olla Ramlan as a host in Dahsyat. But Olla try to convince her fans that she is suitable for the position, and Olla also won an award "host Tamu TerDasyat 2011". May be in the future, Olla can upgrade her status in Dahsyat from Guest Host into Main Host.
Olla Ramlan Tatto
So far, Olla Ramlan has 11 tattos in all over her body. Most of the tattos are the name of her family.
Olla Ramlan Profile
Full Name: Febiolla Ramlan
Nick Name: Olla Ramlan
Nationality: Indonesian
Place & date of birth: Banjarmasin, February 15, 1980
Zodiac: Aquarius
Marital status: Married
Name of husband: Alex Tian
Name of children: Sean Michael Alexander
Parent's name: Muhammad Ramlan (father) and Pissa Assarah (mother)
Hobby: Perfume collection
Achievements & awards: Winner of the Cover Girl Fashion Favorites 1997
Advertising :
Good Time Cookies
Filmografi :
Suami-suami Takut Istri The Movie (2008)
Sinetron :
Cinta Indah
Mata Air Surga
Video Klip
Volume Band - Hey Cantik
Mulan Jameela Feat Cameria Happy Pramita - Cinta Mati 2
Olga Syahputra - Jangan Ganggu Aku Lagi
Ilovu - Pacar 3
Olla Ramlan Photos and Pictures
![Olla Ramlan](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi1qNh8H2cUKxezr-pqB00w8wCZOvxJbYaIPJZ02qbASQkdRFCXOHNO8LC4N8OtabGbkaKNeGFrI59zZtRo39MZW298SG4cE-CBHL1XC9IqTbgJC7xyp7NWmepg7fBzOEK_fj8epaPKCtBN/s1600/olla_ramlan1.jpg)
![Olla Ramlan](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh5phxdM5kiOi8rbcS8p6m9xv2Gnluf9u71IN_Opr3Hc3HLMMO-TOKLycDr-IZQViENstoln94dh5qeXoUY_Zc2iew4ldltl57k2lexpIgIs_jQ6h9ODeVw6fvCwhioCxbJGbyI0ZZdVbvl/s1600/olla_ramlan2.jpg)
![Olla Ramlan](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh33DQY5QZJEqF2vf1-G9ruZ0JRizVqxL9rRSo0ilp-8scC_lCBPHJMp4d_pRk8ocIKUDWe_O4oYvnus6r0eOLKSnpJXGtWqjPx2UnkCtZf5sON4VUvaifpyFUzxe1ctOR5uzrjFxLT5aYZ/s1600/olla_ramlan3.jpg)
![Olla Ramlan](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgA5S3DZ_SdYoq_i8BRigTM64urwc_IHAeZhmgA_MeKN4MbsIJUf6hD4PBgI0cwSSE2Yqv056A9ZF1bQsGt1hqMAw7MaKQngcPZq9hb4QRsVojRCFieeeVmkXVEPGPv62ChuySoFg0KLGqY/s1600/olla_ramlan4.jpg)
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![Olla Ramlan](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjy-Hv1AxW5YfkL41Nx8jRmFu80rrspAvKGouX8SCCZNAmXXiDqzRFfTLIFV9lO36d0HBZKQ45EXWjE_cGOpidDRCT-7EfZekrDt3mYE1C-92hOYDf8NE447xb1z1k2hOGVdvtQryU2CVPc/s320/olla_ramlan6.jpg)
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![Olla Ramlan](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgmOLnTnVBvyFh2KmOxaeNT_6YH6F9L3QEnLj7o8EwRnZjZWYg1KTObOI6n5-8uYN9mWl-cQ2aVfm7vAeLeQ0xInJjeZlbu8D682O_FXwVfIpMw7fXIPJEbdEnfnYcONWlIVtF-gO-IWLeo/s1600/olla_ramlan10.jpg)
![Olla Ramlan](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgGEwROddThFny8Fd-Mp3SYCRFD_sBnqFv9g8pUQbm09Csn7J1zfl3YIgNZPsCfvePG4FZqYI6y7ddhAUC0GqmFVjv0pTHntXzRmzUGA1VvudQvALrp2IpBBh5REvdMikAy_SZG9GfXLNEe/s400/olla_ramlan11.jpg)
![Olla Ramlan](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhidI4eX-7-Kf2htqSRXlqBvHosbiKxjRAP3UOsUgeygfnos96zKE92evAk4t4z4jBG-1PaM2LCEpdLMRD0gGyZV-_j3mbx6bUxoWWrDO-Fa4gyQrkfFURvB_beMeO0JlmSQuEo3LpZvnoB/s1600/olla_ramlan12.jpg)
![Olla Ramlan](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjdfIClmQkc0jPMR7CviZtu22qjrbScpC9VViylAcfzGUoZK0iZNIpKXcj-zoMbRN_27pOsMmvcN90Ii3_NZuzn0YN1czbMww2lr3eeVa1poCb7KkoJ3V8K_h0oKloEqiNYv6JavpXvGh1j/s400/olla_ramlan13.jpg)
![Olla Ramlan](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEibb7Br7fivLguqpnLCFkky5yJHKA1NSxg_SfSh9y0AhaKAGGkRBhokkaDT15GEnLNgQBXWxcF8qvdhwj9sWUFGlDh_29K9uMq7IQ1QNhofICpKNF4ug47z0b2Wk-gmogHC0M3D822SXQBY/s1600/olla_ramlan14.jpg)
![Olla Ramlan](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh6xnGqt3WTnQA_Sv0jpFDNP5g1qa5eovInKFFVRYkZZcbH0wLvnYSKgIPa0PmxQtE43QjZlt5U_sScxv48KJAHZ9bS6TEhoWK-yvMRE3qRkU_IR_3TOs4mZyf9tcJwLzE5WkBmMjDRBcsO/s1600/olla_ramlan15.jpg)
![Olla Ramlan](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjY8Z2dyRtoee7NWHxlXxyuQhwAK9Nm47teINZ9etfKG7a2g4LBEyyODZGx5yY_lzpuaxAVe6GO5OelX7-kvuDQaYM5uhNaWyNUAqJMDPLcO2sPTYK5yCbDDWkOqt7gO_VeG1L3-CHsxRUX/s1600/olla_ramlan16.jpg)
![Olla Ramlan](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg8sAaxhcD2Y9vqxYfRXdVGbzXj4LZ6bwR9AECSrPwU7JrbZ1l6-KG8hirjyL7Sx3MIr9BLJ42VQJoICoq4THlm-Nug4AObLHjtuoAdIO34cj8wTHuino3jIrSMAskYZFdpjmtzQWcyYAwN/s400/olla_ramlan17.jpg)
![Olla Ramlan](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg68TjEtBwEFfUBl_Exul2mayQFbFgWaAQHAy_sg_JaX33kMSfJfv7h6UYDxlE43FwF3dOyrTENul9szFX3jznCkcpVq0x4XIDcg6LNJeqgAlUl0dFDuM0xayAebWM6AFVTYwyqKBave3Ru/s1600/olla_ramlan18.jpg)
Watch Olla Ramlan as Host Tamu Terdahsyat at Dahsyat Award 2011 Video here
Seeing TLC "reality" fixture Kate Gosselin visit Sarah Palin's "reality" show reminds us of the time the Beverly Hillbillies visited Petticoat Junction, or when Mayberry's Sheriff Andy Taylor visited Gomer Pyle, USMC.
Sad to think how much more sophisticated those cross-promotions seem when compared to this current pairing of cable luminaries.
On the local level, perhaps SuxNews will follow
Sad to think how much more sophisticated those cross-promotions seem when compared to this current pairing of cable luminaries.
On the local level, perhaps SuxNews will follow
Time Swap
When we first heard that KMTV was moving "Entertainment Tonight" from 6:00 to 6:30 p.m., we were hoping it meant Channel 3 was getting back in the 6 o'clock news race. Alas, 'tisn't so. They're only swapping "ET" and "The Insider," which will now air at 6.
Which of These Doesn't Belong?
OK, what's going on at Fox42? Is this some kind of sick joke? We've watched new anchor Tracy Jacim several times, always thinking we'd figure out why she ended up at the station that quality forgot. Jacim seems knowledgeable, personable, and prepared. In other words, she seems to possess all the traits that usually disqualify people from working at KPTM. It's a perplexing situation, but one that
6 News: Covering the Really Important Stuff
Friday's 6 p.m. newscasts at WOWT and KETV displayed an interesting contrast between the two stations.KETV devoted the first six or seven minutes to the story regarding the state's attempt to fire Nebraska State Patrol officer Robert Henderson for his ties to the KKK. WOWT, on the other hand, devoted only two or three minutes to that story so it could get to John Chapman's hard-hitting report
An alert reader notes Maladroit Maddox's latest pronunciation ailment: her rendering of Amana, the name of an eastern Iowa town and countless microwave ovens.Maddox calls it "ay-MAHN-ay."Is someone putting lead in her coffee?Her gaffe tops that of sports director Dave Webber, who on Friday night referred to Kearney High School's football team as "the Lopers." (The team is the known as the
The Lloyd Christmas Award for Dumb Remarks
As if to remind us that only half of Omaha's stupidest anchor team is "retiring," WOWT's John Knicely has been getting extra airtime the past couple of weeks, filling in on "Live at Four" for Brian Mastre, who is keeping the "Live at Daybreak" seat next to Malorie Maddox warm during May sweeps. During Tuesday's broadcast, viewers were treated to the following display of Knicely's trademark
Behold the Grueling Four Day Work-Week
FYI, as a rule, OMA News will henceforth publish on Mondays through Thursdays. Except in extraordinary cases, Friday will be part of the weekend as far as we're concerned.
Persaud Leaving WOWT
WOWT will announce Pat Persaud's exit tonight during its 10 p.m. newscast. According to sources, Tracy Madden will move up when Persaud leaves the station on May 25th.In a memo sent to WOWT staff this afternoon, News Director John Clark says that it is "with mixed emotions" that he announces Persaud's "retirement." The memo goes on to say that Persaud is leaving to devote her full-time energies
And Now for Something Totally New and Different
That bastion of serious journalism and the region's Opinion Leader, Omaha's daily newspaper, has gone out on a limb and declared itself AGAINST METH in today's editions (registration required). Now that's leadership. [OWH](We know this really has nothing to do with local TV news, but it seems like the bold journalistic stand we usually associate with "For What It's Worth.")
KETV Fires the First Salvo of Sweeps Idiocy
On Thursday, Channel 7's answer to "Inspector Gadget," Carol Kloss, "investigates" steroids. Apparently, they're bad for athletes. Who knew?
Every time we think the SuxNews team has run out of stupid, it manages to surprise us with its ability to produce more.Today's exhibit (don't worry, there'll be another tomorrow, and the next day, and the...) is "Haley's Comment," WOWT's latest attempt at innovation. The idea, from what we can gather, involves sending a local college freshman named Haley Hatter, who was going to attend the
Name These Anchors, If You Can
In our YouTube explorations, we came across this item, labeled "KETV Retro Promo." While we pride ourselves on knowing most anchors going back as far as Lee Terry, Sr., we have no idea who the two kids at the anchor desk are. Anyone know?
Local Outlets Stage "Phone-It-In Tuesday"
Even the most forgiving viewer might have been hard pressed to find evidence of anyone really trying on Tuesday's 10 p.m. newscasts. Examples? • Channel 7 devoted early moments of its cast to two non-stories. The first centered on a kid being lost for about an hour. The reporter said that "everyone" found the little rascal, causing us to picture more of a mob scene than was probably present. The
Mal-Tard Word of the Day
(submitted by an alert reader)sir: conduit (usually underground) for drainage and waste (example: "Oh no! The sir backed up into my basemint!")
Changing the Channel
With the final three days of Queen Pat's reign approaching, we thought it would be refreshing to think about something else. Acutally, anything else. As a change of pace, we offer another list of things we'd like to see more of...• A dedicated reporter for "Live at Daybreak." Face it: there are only so many times WOWT's Malorie Maddox and her co-anchor can pretend to care about "First Birthdays"
If She Keeps Up This Pace, "Retirement" Is Going to Feel Extra Sweet
For the first time in nearly a month, WOWT anchor Pat Persaud has shown up at the anchor desk for a third consecutive day. If our earlier speculation is correct, it has now been 72 hours that the 6News team has been locked in the studio, part of an effort by management to get PP on the air more. As we understand (or imagine) it, John Knicely and fill-in sports anchor Merlyn Klaus hold Pat down
Grace Natalie News Anchor TV One
Grace Natalie now ia news anchor from TV One, famous for her oriental beautiful face, and slowly talking but smart.
Grace Natalie face appears frequently especially in "Kabar Pasar" at 9 A.M. Grace Natalie is titled as "Penyiar Berita Favorit 2009" together with Frida Lidwina from Metro TV.
Many people like to see Grace Natalie face. Because Grace face is so peaceful and her smile is nice. Her face appeared more often when indonesia hotel JW Marriot and Ritz Carlton boomed in Jakarta last July 2009. With Ecep, Grace Natalie live on TVONE to report.
Grace Natalie Photos, Foto Grace Natalie TV ONE
![grace natalie anchor news cantik](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjytYJmcgc6MDwObW5rqegpCkUJrHfMX09ksnBKD4_KOO8oSFZ-N4HveyTgC3jv3kk8YGDCN50-Pqgr2tYtNoiqPD6hRqTzB0XgZjaqte3NrSDvs4c0GCSfvFt9QXqys2_IfWtDx24x7nBs/s320/grace+natalie1.jpg)
![grace natalie anchor news cantik](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjoARxK_xqKTaJDPB1jpkAXjhtW5EWhhp6SRsL218GeVNxV62P-juPrvxN3KV7zVNB6dCCjtgK7LuNfm6OkidoJnhXMgEoKzqqOEPVSclne5zI3S1LPZUQ9xOjMlswBev_1kVmHY82IV1bo/s320/grace+natalie2.jpg)
![grace natalie anchor news cantik](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiAZiCR9Nev3RsUNFJ-GXeQ0pBHc-0veLbovRi8eI94_iXPz0wTF8az1J1ZSYK_5NLsEzvFqSkzOlmzj_3CnB1J7Ec4ZIXvP6YAadPFBZ_6NfJACyiixRNi8fGZuLJTfUrNtlBMGsGKHQAS/s320/grace+natalie3.jpg)
![grace natalie anchor news cantik](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgoy7ydtW6IJt2a3dseXO6n-iLmw2v42wDNa6TE-pd5i6NFHsMPRri4P1B9NkFtVKOUh8YRvfrU5amCuNL-FzZrV0RiqGE0b-0xyW4lje_hHWB-yRii45tQ_3B0gRlbbeoJ1lTxhNPTzwFJ/s320/grace+natalie4.JPG)
![grace natalie anchor news cantik](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhUm2SP2lf3XGqNj-JiskAGjKzO0zwmsYUEExdINpUpaO0mKqNITzIAJwGGNBG-_6FhjrHAD6qAxCwupkqn9HR-QxG8KqoRDpy_ScmW3jlRK28O4CruSIjbZcIXF9RxZ8opcxYGDH_QyYeM/s320/grace+natalie5.jpg)
![grace natalie anchor news cantik](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi714OvwHRFwlxZZaLpCyKmQFIuB_26xm1E2SvOvl5O547Bo2YdHzkcVwalSMiTJHMQdWzjeWqNOz7V96GquUqDj5eGMtnbJG8fP_jE4FfMYj38Kc3YkZysNndKKqqOW3CVcGzoEnABt1BR/s320/grace+natalie6.jpg)
![grace natalie anchor news cantik](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgm8Igl5HAV1HuakMahG2QK7vfj9Xiu2j-w2oWtuwUGB2OLYCUctfoefvzS7XawYFw7QAgzDcryYgGJ770r2i3lHU1sVezasELV16Ij6_tVRHl60_ufI4vp4OL0PJN9iG2gUMQMnhMRgdSZ/s320/grace+natalie7.jpg)
Grace Natalie face appears frequently especially in "Kabar Pasar" at 9 A.M. Grace Natalie is titled as "Penyiar Berita Favorit 2009" together with Frida Lidwina from Metro TV.
Many people like to see Grace Natalie face. Because Grace face is so peaceful and her smile is nice. Her face appeared more often when indonesia hotel JW Marriot and Ritz Carlton boomed in Jakarta last July 2009. With Ecep, Grace Natalie live on TVONE to report.
Grace Natalie Photos, Foto Grace Natalie TV ONE
![grace natalie anchor news cantik](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjytYJmcgc6MDwObW5rqegpCkUJrHfMX09ksnBKD4_KOO8oSFZ-N4HveyTgC3jv3kk8YGDCN50-Pqgr2tYtNoiqPD6hRqTzB0XgZjaqte3NrSDvs4c0GCSfvFt9QXqys2_IfWtDx24x7nBs/s320/grace+natalie1.jpg)
![grace natalie anchor news cantik](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjoARxK_xqKTaJDPB1jpkAXjhtW5EWhhp6SRsL218GeVNxV62P-juPrvxN3KV7zVNB6dCCjtgK7LuNfm6OkidoJnhXMgEoKzqqOEPVSclne5zI3S1LPZUQ9xOjMlswBev_1kVmHY82IV1bo/s320/grace+natalie2.jpg)
![grace natalie anchor news cantik](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiAZiCR9Nev3RsUNFJ-GXeQ0pBHc-0veLbovRi8eI94_iXPz0wTF8az1J1ZSYK_5NLsEzvFqSkzOlmzj_3CnB1J7Ec4ZIXvP6YAadPFBZ_6NfJACyiixRNi8fGZuLJTfUrNtlBMGsGKHQAS/s320/grace+natalie3.jpg)
![grace natalie anchor news cantik](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhUm2SP2lf3XGqNj-JiskAGjKzO0zwmsYUEExdINpUpaO0mKqNITzIAJwGGNBG-_6FhjrHAD6qAxCwupkqn9HR-QxG8KqoRDpy_ScmW3jlRK28O4CruSIjbZcIXF9RxZ8opcxYGDH_QyYeM/s320/grace+natalie5.jpg)
![grace natalie anchor news cantik](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi714OvwHRFwlxZZaLpCyKmQFIuB_26xm1E2SvOvl5O547Bo2YdHzkcVwalSMiTJHMQdWzjeWqNOz7V96GquUqDj5eGMtnbJG8fP_jE4FfMYj38Kc3YkZysNndKKqqOW3CVcGzoEnABt1BR/s320/grace+natalie6.jpg)
![grace natalie anchor news cantik](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgm8Igl5HAV1HuakMahG2QK7vfj9Xiu2j-w2oWtuwUGB2OLYCUctfoefvzS7XawYFw7QAgzDcryYgGJ770r2i3lHU1sVezasELV16Ij6_tVRHl60_ufI4vp4OL0PJN9iG2gUMQMnhMRgdSZ/s320/grace+natalie7.jpg)
Razor, Anyone?
Our recent post featuring WOWT meteorologist Jim Flowers spurred talk of what's come to be known as Flowers' "porn mustache." Inspired by that discussion, an alert reader and Photoshop hobbyist sent us this rendering of what Jim would look like, sans 'stache.
Dumber Than Paste and a Bag of Doorknobs
We thought we heard her wrong on Wednesday. But today she repeated it.Yes, for the second straight day, KETV former beauty queen/morning traffic airhead Jana Murrell warned viewers during her 6:10 report that "two east-bound lanes of 42nd Street" were closed. That would be useful information, were it not for the fact that 42nd Street runs north-south.
Our tolerance for local news idiots is lower than usual, so we've been trying to keep them off our screens lately. Fortunately, our alert readers have been keeping us posted on what we've been missing...One emailer writes, The geniuses at the newsplex yesterday noted that a man had been electrocuted in Omaha while paining a house and was being transferred to a Lincoln burn unit. What in the world
Elictia and Omarosa: Separated at Birth?
The toothy smiles, the misplaced self-satisfaction, the vowel-heavy first names...it's all starting to make sense.
KYNE: Brain Food, Not Brain Candy
We were just talking a day or two ago about shining the spotlight on KYNE's "Consider This" program (hosted by news legend Carol Schrader) when we stumbled onto a rare World-Herald story about local TV--this one featuring the aforementioned Channel 26. Links to both follow...
Consider This
Public TV to Add More Local Fare (OWH)
Consider This
Public TV to Add More Local Fare (OWH)
Full-Court Press Is On...Again
Well, it appears that one or more local media types, having no real work to do, have embarked on another effort to determine the identity of the OMA News crew. With Ted Brockman having stared into the bloated mug of KM3's Travis Justice for several minutes last week, one could surmise that ol' Trav is behind this latest push. Who knows?First, Sean Weide posted a reward for identification of Ted
The Blog's Author Responds
One not-so-alert reader offered the following earlier today in the "Comments" section of our story on former KETV something-or-other Veronica Todd:I will miss Veronica. I know the blog disliked her, but the blog's author seems to attack everything and everyone anymore, leaving me to wonder who does he/she actually like? Veronica is very sweet, funny, and talented. I am sorry to hear the blog's
Is Channel 6 Feeding Story Ideas to Channel 7?
Brandi Petersen appears to be Channel 7's answer to Rebecca Kleeman: the reporter who gets to handle all the really stupid story ideas at her station. Monday afternoon's verdict in the Michael Jackson case prompted Petersen's bosses to dispatch her to Nebraska Furniture Mart for man-on-the-street (MOS) reactions. God we hate these stories. What a waste of airtime and talent. How much skill does
Not Exactly a Win-Win Situation
According to the Des Moines Business Record, KCCI, which has been dominant in the ratings there for a decade, recently overtook rival WHO in a daypart in which it had been lagging last year. The daypart? Mornings. The previous morning anchor? WOWT's Sheila Brummer, now of "Dumb and Brummer" infamy. Apparently their loss is their gain. We certainly didn't get anything out of the deal.
The World's Largest Outdoor, Concrete, Free, Municipal Pool
Go to Garden City, Kansas, and that's the wording they use to convince themselves that their swimmin' hole is worth bragging about. As a friend once remarked, "Take away any one of those adjectives and it's just another pool."That's kind of how we feel about Channel 7's recent press release trumpeting itself as the "No. 1 rated newscast by adults 25 to 54 in the Omaha viewing area." Take away a
We've apparently been asleep at the wheel. Nevertheless, we are delighted to note that the name of one Farrah "FUBAR" Fazal no longer stains the "News Team" page of KETV's website.It's hard to imagine a bigger improvement for that station, which may now be as good an operation as Omaha will ever see.
An Ulterior Motive?
An alert reader points out that part of KM3's haste in naming Travis Justice "Sports Director" and returning sports to the 10 p.m. newscast could be related to the following clause in the Alamo Bowl's credentialing guidelines:"Television: All stations must have regular nightly sports segments with a full-time sports director/talent. "Words that must have been spoken at the station in the past
Besides seeming too lazy to pre-read his copy, it appears empty-headed SuxNews anchor J-Pa Knicely is trying to lighten his workload by eliminating syllables from things he's required to say.His references to the "Weatherthority," and pronunciation of the station's call-letters as "Dubya-Dubya-Tee," suggest that the market's most overpaid waste of space could eventually get through an entire '
Hiyo! McMahon Leaving for Consulting Gig, Time at Home
As reported earlier this week, a guy widely regarded as one of Omaha's best sports reporters and top talents, Sean McMahon is leaving KETV. A memo from an unidentified person at the station announced the news thusly:"I am sorry to tell you that Sean McMahon will be leaving the station to take a job outside of television news. Sean will be working with two other former Omaha sports guys---John
It's hard to remember better 6-7 a.m. SuxNews programming than what aired today.
We'll let an alert reader describe this unexpected treat:
This morning I woke up and instead of the Daybreak news they had the live feed of the Today Show with a message saying they were experiencing technical difficulty but not to worry, you could see the latest news on WOWT.com. So I hit the rewind on the DVR to
We'll let an alert reader describe this unexpected treat:
This morning I woke up and instead of the Daybreak news they had the live feed of the Today Show with a message saying they were experiencing technical difficulty but not to worry, you could see the latest news on WOWT.com. So I hit the rewind on the DVR to
Best of Google TV
Hello Google TV fans! Today we’re introducing our “Best of Google TV” series, a set of posts about our favorite things to do and watch on Google TV. Check back in weekly or sign up for our email list to catch these as soon as they are posted.
In the Spotlight
Here are some new websites that have been optimized for Google TV. If you have a device, you can try them out in the Spotlight gallery linked from your Home Screen.
A list of our favorite websites, Spotlight sites, apps, and/or interesting features within Google TV.
In the Spotlight
Here are some new websites that have been optimized for Google TV. If you have a device, you can try them out in the Spotlight gallery linked from your Home Screen.
- Chow - Learn how to become a better chef with these smart cooking tips.
- CNET - Watch reviews of all the latest gadgets and tech sites.
- Vimeo - Kick back and enjoy your videos in stunning high quality.
- PBS Kids - Watch videos of shows like Curious George and Dinosaur Train!
- Flixster - Catch the latest Rotten Tomatoes movie reviews, watch trailers, and get showtimes.
A list of our favorite websites, Spotlight sites, apps, and/or interesting features within Google TV.
- Net-A-Porter.com - “A place where I can watch runway videos and shop for the outfits at the same time.” - Gina
- ESPN.com - “I can put the game in dual view and use the larger part of the screen to check my fantasy stats online.” - A.K.
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Separated at Birth? Flintstones Edition
Compare helmet-haired, reading-impaired weekend anchor Suzanne Deyo with Fred Flintstone's invisible-to-everyone-but-Fred space buddy, The Great Gazoo.
Shinta Bachir Presenter Kuis Kring Kring World Cup RCTI
Shinta Bachir is Indonesian girl born at Wonosobo, Central Java in 1986. Her name suddenly popular after starred in film "Suster Keramas" with Japanese actress Rin Sakuragi. Shinta Bachir now is titled as hot Star as she likes to appear sexy and vulgar in her film. With height 167 cm and weight 49 kg, plus sexy body, Shinta Bachir now has a bright future as an actress.Another film she had starred was Taring.
Her latest is film "Hantu Tanah Kusir". Shinta Bachir will play with Japan Idol Miyabi (use name Pauleen in the film). Shinta is really hot and even appears in vulgar hot scene in film Hantu Tanah Kusir.
The title "Indonesia Bom Sex" is suitable for Shinta Bachir. She always appears sexy every time. In film "Taring" Shinta Bachir even take off her bra and lingerie.
During World Cup 2010, Shinta Bachir face can be watched everyday on RCTI Quiz Programme "Kring Kring World Cup". With her team mate Nabila Putri, Shinta Bachir success to host the quiz programm become popular. We don't sure if audience actually like to win the quiz price, or just only watch the face of Shinta Bachir who also has a sexy stunning dark body .
Recently, Shinta Bachir is more focusing on her music career rather than film industy. Her debut single hits is "Cari Uang". Hope Shinta Bachir will success in the future.
Foto seksi Shinta Bachir :
![Shinta Bachir](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhxQWODzkQV0EdUz7S5UJ79ZkjEkP69NTU69NHbJF-uCQ-TwfoA-ot2owYo-FtQ1iPmUQpsTzz8XBv2IkHCxKNS5vNP6psv_32WID7fpNgITfkAGdpPCqqfoU-piwTj5EWaKlaORQWBxelk/s400/shinta_bachir1.JPG)
![Shinta Bachir](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgZOla2EIVX6OhDAUJLs2PxzTVrgKRQ6-IOV8p6P9IUknEWLWNGQG_nJBVE1a2xZrpA0vgunStY5EFgJJPj1LF_vJeE8WFvmeYWuKgfRgpuNBT-brq0AP8Jo6KxKJF2hSJFliYE8cT0VnQu/s400/shinta_bachir2.jpg)
![Shinta Bachir](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgLX2LyKR7hn3pXREqOeflKHHHjJ7o8m63vxowmEEoaS6RLLy_qDJ_6ch889Px50rCFrFP4Yl9FRGXxZrIz3eGXMuG3kEWivr1hUcZognLc2cmcK4oCydmdcVmTCkqZpsRdYDrZNKwiJS3D/s400/shinta_bachir4.jpg)
![Shinta Bachir](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEizbY1qdGyWYHkIPcVS0g_x1NgSI2IYu7vffjXsxJTNNeo_WgD3djPTuZyBK5ZRUps69y4Ljx8vI5S0dbaljXj9zbW900cjW3piwiIiO3X0GtOcnWD90QxclZj7IcOMUn_DcxT8jl24xIoE/s400/shinta_bachir5.jpg)
![Shinta Bachir](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgr02FTwf9REI_6BLV-mK3iAQ2vWHC2Rjm_6H_xmgz_CZDYAF3y3RKXKDolcYszI71CecrbgOrrKRz0Dkc_05Tlin_6JTW2yfegrZmU5LXUiYz-9EH4C5tLUfU4l9p6H0Io1oJMLmRCHTSL/s400/shinta_bachir6.jpg)
![Shinta Bachir](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjIEGv2S8fAHSeKNUmil2jSQJM7j7ILIN8CRnitR2W_V5ZyvCUnCH4evqgtrdMqIgxCsU_TqC0dX8MUFKt-Zj6dhbSnyPnfltiv6mN1qIOHtOieEB0dzJLcygf0QRvEDEvgh1hZPvwduHom/s400/shinta_bachir7.jpg)
![Shinta Bachir](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi-gmAtYGQBHPhz2JVkcrQybkKp4kMXJEQoo9fQYs4h4ZK1plLpTzVz1q8N27RX1RLEHJfMfJoz76MUN4bwU2ID2QuLQhykFJ0lNBsB3vMvPq3u59o_XzzIDxFfyyCyVdqzlmdhMApqeXe8/s400/shinta_bachir8.jpg)
![Shinta Bachir](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh8s49IJPWgTvvg56-qmJMliMSwK-4ItckciNcJsCJpuL-CRRFNZq8bo3DdTwQoWlI0CPE-9TUZ2Km_JbRonxkyUyeyxYxQ3FoXk_l-mpLPKYBYSMUIrwQsLeTSt2SK-YLleXLGlD3MN9NP/s400/shinta_bachir9.jpg)
![Shinta Bachir](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgs2BuN-G90D8-cU6JA5-SnXQ0boWwSLCDB80CG5O2kjbIB3Rf4CIdgCQiPOoC5OXrIPKPHaBU7bj7xt1K8Fxty8M2lWIeqCQiLVeBq3S-i6MbevrydGweW8LbAqWk-uDs9eTbxZBdxK22T/s400/shinta_bachir10.jpg)
![Shinta Bachir](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEieDyK7P_aXbzr0bELOLvG5KuAapxnpDCTUsfkEuxudNhZfdOLo2hOx08fup3rHKrXw3lRx6nPCA4ok8GmAZ9wKNPVJi1fiM2czAPOLLO3DC2Zwee-sVh1DTY2feJxmCGS4-sfcmpf3R46d/s400/shinta_bachir11.jpg)
![Shinta Bachir](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi__R3tLLCidVwLSM8_4wbJM21n3FMFLDny3FvRdLp_aaxm66cBk0tVG3VSJ8KXtt_HxvKmT-mflMV04PMoq6xYumMcmec345ADRYjRVPSwmrQBaKpYTtV2h97_ikXvXmWRgTg8sN6YIKef/s400/shinta_bachir12.jpg)
![Shinta Bachir](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhqCew36dWExnxPgn_5Q5us4rSulfNVmSiWHLpi2D2ruImKAu39s-j0dAkBD0RoNJNZrlUYtleV2sNVfbJJinCfjKmC0RTzQQtOVLIm8qvAp2V-OLYqkD18xAgILBrB0JwobmqYULm0ghye/s400/shinta_bachir13.jpg)
![Shinta Bachir](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgcqiDYOvnKWIm32Me6vvYCiFqRP9EnFuaUdfvqcMvucUVJt2kFXYipZmw4gs659r4jpKC61GrHd4Jqf0qsQg-3me4gPI5M4Jr4YTvCFoVUmKmfwPpLM8VZky9PJ8FvpNtw6PB2a2JSr9S4/s400/shinta_bachir14.jpg)
![Shinta Bachir](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhMg17CEE3ZOnovZ3tbQXmeY2D8ubtv3B9QMIa65LoP0yKWrb3ueNx7Dn1SL-aJUQHjS0IMvQIDgL4fAHKyFhsrM-m9onrOUEmVMVylR3RBwUtQOOech4gs-i6ymjzuabSSdpavVl2z97l5/s400/shinta_bachir3.jpg)
Shinta Bachir in Suster Keramas
![Shinta Bachir Taring](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhdM1XZAew1L-G0XW1bVo17K8a6mfKDONEyRYnmfx4v3DNbE_gsCKkgAT-_hgfaiHBIaafAcyilWiKYeesHsB1uhOtLamXBP3CByp_qdPD1EclTOMra0E77uZLAKn4n-8-9rXp1Sonip_4D/s400/shinta_bachir_Taring.JPG)
Shinta Bachir in Taring
![Shinta Bachir Taring](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgFDWi0T-9MAHDbrGoGgwIT20kUX8VXQ1CWfhqRxbGIiGN0gPHyE9QztDecGP08NXTn6k0BwXf_iPEKj0KuzdPtIJULjDTYjt7Q1Wbv2GYBjWml8cvuzPB2r_e3ZAAQ0nugM0s1KdyqzJB7/s400/shinta_bachir_Taring2.jpg)
Her latest is film "Hantu Tanah Kusir". Shinta Bachir will play with Japan Idol Miyabi (use name Pauleen in the film). Shinta is really hot and even appears in vulgar hot scene in film Hantu Tanah Kusir.
The title "Indonesia Bom Sex" is suitable for Shinta Bachir. She always appears sexy every time. In film "Taring" Shinta Bachir even take off her bra and lingerie.
During World Cup 2010, Shinta Bachir face can be watched everyday on RCTI Quiz Programme "Kring Kring World Cup". With her team mate Nabila Putri, Shinta Bachir success to host the quiz programm become popular. We don't sure if audience actually like to win the quiz price, or just only watch the face of Shinta Bachir who also has a sexy stunning dark body .
Recently, Shinta Bachir is more focusing on her music career rather than film industy. Her debut single hits is "Cari Uang". Hope Shinta Bachir will success in the future.
Foto seksi Shinta Bachir :
![Shinta Bachir](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgZOla2EIVX6OhDAUJLs2PxzTVrgKRQ6-IOV8p6P9IUknEWLWNGQG_nJBVE1a2xZrpA0vgunStY5EFgJJPj1LF_vJeE8WFvmeYWuKgfRgpuNBT-brq0AP8Jo6KxKJF2hSJFliYE8cT0VnQu/s400/shinta_bachir2.jpg)
![Shinta Bachir](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgLX2LyKR7hn3pXREqOeflKHHHjJ7o8m63vxowmEEoaS6RLLy_qDJ_6ch889Px50rCFrFP4Yl9FRGXxZrIz3eGXMuG3kEWivr1hUcZognLc2cmcK4oCydmdcVmTCkqZpsRdYDrZNKwiJS3D/s400/shinta_bachir4.jpg)
![Shinta Bachir](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEizbY1qdGyWYHkIPcVS0g_x1NgSI2IYu7vffjXsxJTNNeo_WgD3djPTuZyBK5ZRUps69y4Ljx8vI5S0dbaljXj9zbW900cjW3piwiIiO3X0GtOcnWD90QxclZj7IcOMUn_DcxT8jl24xIoE/s400/shinta_bachir5.jpg)
![Shinta Bachir](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgr02FTwf9REI_6BLV-mK3iAQ2vWHC2Rjm_6H_xmgz_CZDYAF3y3RKXKDolcYszI71CecrbgOrrKRz0Dkc_05Tlin_6JTW2yfegrZmU5LXUiYz-9EH4C5tLUfU4l9p6H0Io1oJMLmRCHTSL/s400/shinta_bachir6.jpg)
![Shinta Bachir](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjIEGv2S8fAHSeKNUmil2jSQJM7j7ILIN8CRnitR2W_V5ZyvCUnCH4evqgtrdMqIgxCsU_TqC0dX8MUFKt-Zj6dhbSnyPnfltiv6mN1qIOHtOieEB0dzJLcygf0QRvEDEvgh1hZPvwduHom/s400/shinta_bachir7.jpg)
![Shinta Bachir](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi-gmAtYGQBHPhz2JVkcrQybkKp4kMXJEQoo9fQYs4h4ZK1plLpTzVz1q8N27RX1RLEHJfMfJoz76MUN4bwU2ID2QuLQhykFJ0lNBsB3vMvPq3u59o_XzzIDxFfyyCyVdqzlmdhMApqeXe8/s400/shinta_bachir8.jpg)
![Shinta Bachir](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh8s49IJPWgTvvg56-qmJMliMSwK-4ItckciNcJsCJpuL-CRRFNZq8bo3DdTwQoWlI0CPE-9TUZ2Km_JbRonxkyUyeyxYxQ3FoXk_l-mpLPKYBYSMUIrwQsLeTSt2SK-YLleXLGlD3MN9NP/s400/shinta_bachir9.jpg)
![Shinta Bachir](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgs2BuN-G90D8-cU6JA5-SnXQ0boWwSLCDB80CG5O2kjbIB3Rf4CIdgCQiPOoC5OXrIPKPHaBU7bj7xt1K8Fxty8M2lWIeqCQiLVeBq3S-i6MbevrydGweW8LbAqWk-uDs9eTbxZBdxK22T/s400/shinta_bachir10.jpg)
![Shinta Bachir](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEieDyK7P_aXbzr0bELOLvG5KuAapxnpDCTUsfkEuxudNhZfdOLo2hOx08fup3rHKrXw3lRx6nPCA4ok8GmAZ9wKNPVJi1fiM2czAPOLLO3DC2Zwee-sVh1DTY2feJxmCGS4-sfcmpf3R46d/s400/shinta_bachir11.jpg)
![Shinta Bachir](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi__R3tLLCidVwLSM8_4wbJM21n3FMFLDny3FvRdLp_aaxm66cBk0tVG3VSJ8KXtt_HxvKmT-mflMV04PMoq6xYumMcmec345ADRYjRVPSwmrQBaKpYTtV2h97_ikXvXmWRgTg8sN6YIKef/s400/shinta_bachir12.jpg)
![Shinta Bachir](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhqCew36dWExnxPgn_5Q5us4rSulfNVmSiWHLpi2D2ruImKAu39s-j0dAkBD0RoNJNZrlUYtleV2sNVfbJJinCfjKmC0RTzQQtOVLIm8qvAp2V-OLYqkD18xAgILBrB0JwobmqYULm0ghye/s400/shinta_bachir13.jpg)
![Shinta Bachir](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgcqiDYOvnKWIm32Me6vvYCiFqRP9EnFuaUdfvqcMvucUVJt2kFXYipZmw4gs659r4jpKC61GrHd4Jqf0qsQg-3me4gPI5M4Jr4YTvCFoVUmKmfwPpLM8VZky9PJ8FvpNtw6PB2a2JSr9S4/s400/shinta_bachir14.jpg)
![Shinta Bachir](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhMg17CEE3ZOnovZ3tbQXmeY2D8ubtv3B9QMIa65LoP0yKWrb3ueNx7Dn1SL-aJUQHjS0IMvQIDgL4fAHKyFhsrM-m9onrOUEmVMVylR3RBwUtQOOech4gs-i6ymjzuabSSdpavVl2z97l5/s400/shinta_bachir3.jpg)
Shinta Bachir in Suster Keramas
Shinta Bachir in Taring
![Shinta Bachir Taring](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgFDWi0T-9MAHDbrGoGgwIT20kUX8VXQ1CWfhqRxbGIiGN0gPHyE9QztDecGP08NXTn6k0BwXf_iPEKj0KuzdPtIJULjDTYjt7Q1Wbv2GYBjWml8cvuzPB2r_e3ZAAQ0nugM0s1KdyqzJB7/s400/shinta_bachir_Taring2.jpg)
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